Teachers’ and students resources

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Oscar's Law aims to empower the next generation in order to create a kinder world for all animals.

Education is the most powerful way to ensure changes in practice, consumer purchasing and legislation.

We are constantly inspired by the kids who contact us eager to learn about animal welfare issues. We are currently developing educational resources for students and teachers. If you would like to contribute or have an idea, please contact us.

A brochure for kids to download and share to help educate about puppy factories and adoption.

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Be a hero, save paws! A poster for kids.

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 Puppy farms, puppies for sale, pet shop puppies, banksia park puppies cruelty,chevromist cruelty

ThinkKind is a free, multi award winning Australian website where teachers and parents can find quality humane education resources.

Visit the website

A beautiful drawing of Oscar to download and colour.

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 Puppy farms, puppies for sale, pet shop puppies, banksia park puppies cruelty,chevromist cruelty

Educational film: Don't buy puppies from pet shops.

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 Puppy farms, puppies for sale, pet shop puppies, banksia park puppies cruelty,chevromist cruelty

Educational film: Don't Buy A Lie.

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 Puppy farms, puppies for sale, pet shop puppies, banksia park puppies cruelty,chevromist cruelty

Educational film: Don't trust puppy farmers.

Watch on YouTube

New Zealand author Anna Kenna writes stories about real world issues for young people who care about fairness, truth and justice. "Viola Vincent reporting, Underdog" is a story about exposing puppy factories and rescuing the dogs.

Buy the book

UK author and campaigner Janetta Harvey has written three books about puppy factories. Saving Susie Belle is the moving story of what life was like for one little dog that was rescued from a puppy factory. Saving Maya is Janetta's third book and is also a story about a puppy factory survivor.

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