Leave a bequest

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Choosing to leave a bequest to Oscar’s Law in your will means you’re leaving a legacy of kindness for our companion animals ... an end to cruel puppy factories.

 If you would like to make a bequest to Oscar’s Law in your will, we recommend you consider using the following suggested wording (which should be discussed further with your solicitor or estate planner):

I give and bequeath to Oscar’s Law ABN 21 780 340 684 for the use and purpose of Oscar’s Law:

Free of all death duties, and the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Oscar’s Law shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for this legacy.

You should also consider whether you wish to express the bequest in terms of a percentage or portion of the estate remaining after necessary expenses.

Once you have made a bequest, please let us know by emailing info@oscarslaw.org.