TAKE ACTION: Victoria’s Puppy Farm Legislation Is Being Flouted

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TAKE ACTION: Victoria’s Puppy Farm Legislation Is Being Flouted

How is it that convicted criminals with court-imposed banning orders in place are still able to sell puppies online in Victoria - a state that passed the strongest animal welfare laws in Australia? 

That's a question we've been asking the Victorian Minister for Agriculture and her department Animal Welfare Victoria since 2020

As yet we have not received an answer, and the problem just continues. 

An unexpected consequence of Victoria's landmark legislation is that it has shone a spotlight on how ineffective the existing system of enforcement really is... and that needs to change.

Send an email below. And if you think you may have purchased a puppy from an illegal seller, please contact us here.

Victoria’s Pet Exchange Register was a vital part of Victoria’s landmark puppy farm laws. The first of its kind in Australia, it means that anyone advertising animals for sale in Victoria must  register for a source number to appear in online ads.

Tracing online advertisements means puppy farmers can’t hide behind the internet to fool buyers, and it also stops dodgy brokers and people with court-imposed banning orders continuing their puppy sales. 

It also gives power to the public to report advertisements with fake source numbers or no microchips listed to ensure non-compliant advertisements are taken down.  But since it’s implementation in 2019,  that's not what has been  happening.

Following community tip-offs, Oscar’s Law recently gathered evidence to show a notorious seller with a court-imposed banning order was still illegally  selling puppies. Our informants had been reporting this to RSPCA Victoria with no outcome.

Complaints to the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Welfare Victoria by Oscar’s Law still did not result in links to the non-compliant ads being taken down. This has allowed a convicted criminal to flout the system time and time again - making thousands of dollars and a mockery of Victoria’s hard fought, hard won anti-puppy farm legislation.

By failing to enforce the legislation, the RSPCA, the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Welfare Victoria have effectively removed any accountability or consumer protection. Especially if any illegally sold puppies end up sick. 

We are outraged that all our attempts to bring these serious issues to the authorities and Victorian Government’s attention have been ignored. 

We fought so hard for this legislation, and we know it will work - provided it is enforced. It’s time to speak out and demand action. Send an email to the Minister for Agriculture and Premier of Victoria today.

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  • Premier of Victoria and Minister for Agriculture